Mittwoch, 18. Mai 2011

U.S Embassy

Yeah! my visa is approved and now things can go without fear that something on the embassy doesn´t work :) as I said we started this morning at 6 am  and have made a stop a few meters in front of the embasssy so have brekfast at mcdonald :) my luck! then I was about 20 minutes to early and there where not so much people waiting I could go in directly. Then there was a control like at the airport. Then we must sit in a hall and wait untill our number is called then a person on the counter ask for the documents and fringerprints.. so that was the first time on the counter .. then I have to wait about one hour  till my second time there a man asked two questions and some formal stuff and said that my visa is approved :) everything was very simple and we were able to drive back home at 10.30 am. The return path was nice the highway was not very full and we could go fast around 240 km/h I think haha :D that was a good part!
So now I have to wait until my Passport comes with the post who includes my visa :)
Nice day!

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