Sonntag, 29. Mai 2011

Suitcase bought!

My suitcase i finally bought! I opted for an rose one from Titan and I hope he is here until wednesday then I can use it to Bulgaria :) pleeeeaase postman bring my suitcase...haha.. my cousin bought it in the internet for me because my father and I had differences -.-


Still 64 days! Yesterday I bought some hostfamily presents and a diary with my grandma. She wants me so write everything down what i experience :) and this is a very good idea because she has no pc or internet so she can read it after my year in new york in this diary.. I printed some photos and written addresses into. And I stuck a dollar bill in the diary! my first one will be my last one too :) I bought a quartett for the girls to play with and letters for their doors, lillifee chocolate and a pink bracelet, also I have a Hamm elephant and a cook book with german food and I hope they will like it. After my oral exam my week was really relaxed I went to the gym, played volleball and I was running because tomorrow is my practical test and tuesday my final endurance test :) now a girl from my school will fly together with me to america. Christina will live in Minnesota by a hostfamily, she has her final since last week. And in the Facebook group 1.8 Training School there are more and more! now I´m looking forward to tomorrow....ahhhh.....  major day! I am happy when I got it behind me :D

Sonntag, 22. Mai 2011

Exciting Skype Conversation

Today I had a exciting Skype Conversation with my Hostfamily :) The Girls are so cute! Sophia was dancing infront of the cam and showed me her glittering ballerinas and Isabella showed me her medal she won in the morning :) Their parents are so cool I really like to talk with them they told me about their summer plans and school.. before my Skype Conversation I visited my Grandparents to look at a suitcase and eat cake! but the one they have is to small so I must search for another one. I Think they are more excited than me :D
And next week we will Skype another time with my Parents and siblings..

postman i love you!

Perfect! Yesterday the postman brought me my passport with my visa and my police certificate :) now only the international drivers license is missing! but I think it will be in the post in the next days. I thought it takes longer to get them.. but it is good as it is! And in the next days i must make a appointment with my doctor to fill out the physician health certificate :( I dont like any kind of doctors... now only 71 days until my departure date :) ohhh and I must go to the insurance to confirm my health insurance.

Mittwoch, 18. Mai 2011

U.S Embassy

Yeah! my visa is approved and now things can go without fear that something on the embassy doesn´t work :) as I said we started this morning at 6 am  and have made a stop a few meters in front of the embasssy so have brekfast at mcdonald :) my luck! then I was about 20 minutes to early and there where not so much people waiting I could go in directly. Then there was a control like at the airport. Then we must sit in a hall and wait untill our number is called then a person on the counter ask for the documents and fringerprints.. so that was the first time on the counter .. then I have to wait about one hour  till my second time there a man asked two questions and some formal stuff and said that my visa is approved :) everything was very simple and we were able to drive back home at 10.30 am. The return path was nice the highway was not very full and we could go fast around 240 km/h I think haha :D that was a good part!
So now I have to wait until my Passport comes with the post who includes my visa :)
Nice day!

Dienstag, 17. Mai 2011

Frankfurt Countdown!

Now it´s Tuesday evening and only a few hours until my appointment at the U.S. embassy..  we start tomorrow at 6 am and need 3 hours i think. If I´m lucky we have breakfast at mc donalds :) Tine has already passed her appointment and told me that it was a lot of waiting... so I am not soo excited but a little bit ;)
I will see how it goes :) and now I go to bed because I have to stand up early!

Office stuff

This morning I was in the gym and on my way home i drove past the citicenz office and get the idea to apply for my international drivers license... and so I went in and kow I must wait until it comes with the post :)
so this next step is done and america is a step closer!
And now I´m waiting for my friend jessica who wants to visit me in New York. Today we want to spend a nice day together we will talk a lot about america and my hotfamily in america I think and make Crepes with Nutella :) I have to buy some strawberrys for the Crepes! yummy!

Montag, 16. Mai 2011

Christine my american Girl ♥

Christine goes to America too, but she will live in Maryland and arrives 3 week earlier :(
some years ago tine and I visit a au pair event in münster together and since that day we want to go to america as an au pair :) to the preparation meeting we went together, too!
and she is one of my best friends because we have always fun together!
one day in the next weeks we want to visit the citizens office together to request documents... and my international drivers license. And I hope we manage to visit each other because Maryland is about 4 hours away from New York.

My personal Diary!

The Countdown begins from today only 75 days until my arrival date! then I say good bye to Germany and hallo to New York :)
I´m getting more and more excited... Wednesday I drive to the embassy in Frankfurt and my appointment is at 9.30 am so we (means my father and I) start at 6.30 am I think!
And for that I did visa photos today.. very very ugly photos... but who cares :D
I printed the Documents I need for the U.S. embassy and presently I start this wonderful Blog :)
And now after my first post I say good night and hope for good dreams